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4 Websites Which Pay Every Writers $200 to $400 per Article

Furthermore all that you really want to be aware: the rules, contact messages, rates, and what the experience is like

As you might be aware, independent composing has its difficulties. You need to track down the right distribution, send them a strong pitch, and trust the rate is sufficiently high to assist with covering the bills. The rundown goes on.

I'm here since I need to make that simpler for you with a pitching guide.

The following are four distributions I've composed for and had a decent involvement in, in addition to all the data you want to be familiar with each. Inform me as to whether you have questions!

Disclaimer: Please don't reference this data or my name in your pitch. These encounters are mine and may not be the best same for you, so sharing those viewpoints won't help!

1. Diem

What they search for

Diem is a distribution by and for ladies and nonbinary individuals. They're searching for pieces that have specialists, are explainers that urge individuals to reconsider a subject, and expositions that answer the news.

The subjects they're searching for right currently are building an evenhanded web, who has power in web3, how monetary power gives you control, ladylike administration, and the convergence of sex and power.

Subsequent stages
Subsequent to observing the rules, you can send your pitch to Mr. Taylor ( and Mrs. Emma (


The rate is $200 for around 700 words, paid by means of PayPal

Note: PayPal might take an expense!

My experience

These editors are responsive and aware. They additionally just require 700 words, which isn't a lot - particularly with a $200 rate. (Essentially contrasted with a few different distributions out there!)

2. Huffpost

What they search for

HuffPost Wellness is about appealing assistance news-casting (also known as, pieces with noteworthy exhortation, realities, and compassion). 

A few points they like are COVID, self-perception, emotional well-being, taking care of oneself, and ailments.


The rules are at the lower part of the pitching page.

Following stages

When your pitch is prepared, you can send it to
The new standard rate is $400 for around 800-1100 words, paid straightforwardly to your financial balance.

My experience

The editorial manager I've worked with, Ms. Merlin, was very helpful. She and other staff handle the altering, and she's unquestionably kind and steady.

She likewise conveys month to month messages with story thoughts, in which you should simply contribute how you'll compose it a short structure.

3. Overjoyed

What they search for

Overjoyed, also known as, is the world's biggest sexual wellbeing stage. 

The editors acknowledge pitches for pieces on ladies' wellbeing, men's wellbeing, sexual wellbeing, psychological well-being, culture, way of life, and the sky is the limit from there.


Jubilant doesn't have a rules page, yet you can look at the about page (and the articles previously distributed) for subtleties on what they like.
Subsequent stages

Have a pitch? Here are far to contact editors:
General email:


The rate I ordinarily get is $300, however I've heard the reach is $200 to $400. 

It goes directly to your ledger. The expected word count is as a rule around 700 to 1100-ish.

My experience
Nicole is my fundamental supervisor, and she's astounding. Well disposed, glad to work with you, supportive with alters, everything!

FYI: Usually, you'll need to go through two or three rounds of alters with Giddy, in which a few editors will check out at your piece and make ideas.

4. The Good Trade

What they search for

The Good Trade is a comprehensive distribution that means to assist with peopling deal with themselves, others, and the planet. 

They take more time for brand suggestions, smart papers, and investigated pieces.


Look at the publication principles and rules page and the about page. 
Pitching data is toward the lower part of the previous.

Following stages

In the wake of perusing the rules, pitch the proofreader! Kayti Christian was the proofreader I worked with, yet I don't know she actually works there. 

The best email for pitching is:

The rate is $200 for 800-1000 words, paid by means of PayPal.

My experience

I appreciated composition for this distribution! They just required one round of alters and gave you a few opportunity with them.

Focal points

While breaking into the independent composing field takes time, mental fortitude, and exertion, it's certainly feasible. 

A few distributions are out there with editors who are glad to work with you and pay you something like $200 for your work.

Simply ensure your throw tantrums the distribution and isn't now on the site, and you're in good shape!


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